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Conditions for sharing a job posting internally and hiring internal candidates only.
The unit recruiter approves and posts the job offer routed from the hiring manager. This process is described in detail in the online course, "Recruiters Offer, Accept and Prepare for Hire."
Recruiters prepare an applicant for hire using HRMS Recruiting Solutions. Completion of the Prepare for Hire process will move the applicant to the Workforce Administration, Manage Hires queue in HRMS.
Hiring managers create job offers by accessing the Recruiting Home page in HRMS. The online training course, "Hiring Managers Offer, Accept, and Prepare for Hire," demonstrates the process in detail.
The Citizenship page, Disability Status page, Additional Pay page, and Prior Work Experience page should each be completed in HRMS , when applicable to the employee, and after completion of the employee's Job Data page. (Academic appointments also require Education, Contract, and Tenure data.)
Graduate students may be hired into Graduate/Teaching/Research Assistantships or into undergraduate positions. Guidelines are different for each type of position.
Steps in the HRMS Recruiting Home page for recruiters and hiring managers to route multiple applicants to multiple people associated with a job opening.

Recruiters use the Interview Schedule page to schedule interviews with applicants.

Pool approval is the process of evaluating the applicant pool for a job opening to ensure that it meets the University’s EOAA goals. The original hiring goals for the position are found in the EOAA Goal Setting report.

This procedure describes how recruiters use the Manage Job Opening page to reject and correspond with applicants, using either Group Actions or by rejecting an individual applicant.

There are three required addresses for University of Minnesota employees: Home Address, Campus Mail Address, and Office Location Address.

When an employee is hired into a position the job record is updated to reflect the new appointment. Specific fields must be populated in order to ensure the proper absence enrollment for the absence eligible employee.